Dinamica Generale S.p.A. is pleased to announce its participation at the 9th edition of THE LARGE HERD CONFERENCE, on Productivity through Technology and Innovation (Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1-3 June 2015).
We are inviting you all to attend the conference and to stop by at booth 25 where we will be glad to introduce you to Dinamica Generale S.p.A. near-infrared-based solutions, AgriNIR and dg precisionFEEDING.
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a useful method for determining forage and grain nutrient composition being used for increasing consistency of the cows feed ration. Dry matter adjustment in real time means precise construction for your herds prescribed ration to prevent over-or under-feeding. Get the most out of your feed and maximize production with AgriNIR and the FeedScan dg precisionFEEDING.
For scheduling a meeting, please contact:
Sara Frigeni: sara.frigeni@dinamicagenerale.com
Gary Morrison: gary@tega.co.za