In Field

  • HarvestingHarvesting
  • Soil PreparationSoil Preparation
Forage Harvester
Forage Wagon
Grain Cart
Seed Tender
Vegetable Harvester
Slurry Tanker
Manure – Mineral Spreader

Smart agricultural technology for Slurry Tanker

Technology for precise slurry application based on crop nutrient needs and regulations. Measurement of essential nutrients like nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), DLG-certified for spreading cow, pig and mixed slurry guarantees accuracy and compliance with agricultural standards.

NIR & Imaging



Livestock manure is a valuable resource for boosting yields and reducing emissions in sustainable agriculture. Using EVONIR, for real-time NIR analysis and variable rate application systems, operators can set target fertilizer values and automatically control flow for precise spreading. This technology ensures efficient nutrient use and promotes circular economy practices.

EVONIR can be used in both stationary mode during the filling of slurry tankers and during spreading operations in the field.

  • Real-time N, P, K analysis.
  • Precise fertilization control.
  • Data visualization on VT or FIELD track app.
  • Variable rate spreading for optimized efficiency.
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Mobile Apps

FIELD track

FIELD track

FIELD track app empowers farmers and contractors to analyze field-collected data, enabling them to evaluate current practices and make data-driven decisions to improve efficiency and optimize future treatments.

  • Easily share maps and reports for streamlined collaboration and decision-making.
  • Seamlessly collect and share data from connected sensors to the FIELD trace cloud software for centralized access.
  • Monitor and control quality crop maps directly from the field, enabling real-time insights.
  • Evaluate current practices and leverage data-driven analysis to improve efficiency in future treatments.
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Integration with Virtual Terminal

Thanks to the built-in ISOBUS and CANJ-1939 communication protocols, the EVONIR analyzer allows seamless data visualization on a Virtual Terminal. This advanced integration ensures smooth and reliable compatibility with your farm equipment, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of your field operations.
Data Management · software

FIELD trace

FIELD trace

Integrate the data collected by EVONIR sensor into FIELD trace software to gain a competitive edge. This integration enables you to save and manage all field data, offering complete traceability and detailed analysis. Optimize your agricultural operations with an accurate, historical overview of your crops, enhancing resource management and operational efficiency.

  • Records detailed data on slurry distribution activities including the chemical composition of the slurry.
  • Track quality maps in real time using the FIELD track app for up-to-date information.
  • Import and export CSV files for easy data management and integration.
  • Generate detailed reports and charts to visualize performance and support decision-making.
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John Miller

John Miller

Farm Manager

"Field trace with EVONIR sensor optimizes crop management tracking moisture and other parameters in real time, that icreases my productivity."
Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson


"As a contractor, FIELD trace with the EVONIR sensor improves field performance, enables real-time tracking, and saves time with quick reports."

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