Ферма Baroncina, 2015 июня 11

The presence and the active contributions, feedbacks and ideas was greatly appreciated and has gone towards making this event a great success.

БИК анализатор кормов привлекает интерес, 2014 марта 01

Подключение > Новости > БИК анализатор кормов привлекает интерес БИК анализатор кормов привлекает интерес Журнал British Dairying 01.03.2014 A portable NIR feed analyser launched last year at the Livestock Event has been attracting the interest of nutionists, feed companies, vets and farmers' groups according to Davide Cerca from Cumbiran-based Green Forage.

Какие языки поддерживает DTM (TM)?

The DTM TM is a multi language software so it provides you the possibility to work with several languages.

Новости#2.2015, 2015 апреля 16

Write us to organize a meeting: enrico.salvaterra@dinamicagenerale.com   File Kbytes DG-NEWS03_Agrishow2015_ENG.pdf 260

Зачем использовать мобильные тензодатчики вместо промышленных балочных?

Because they provide a strong and accurate load sensing device at reasonable costs; the robustness of the mobile cells is ideal for mobile applications, such as feed mixers, grain carts or others.

Контроль изменения качества корма с помощью dg precisionFEEDING

Подключение > Досье > Контроль изменения качества корма с помощью dg precisionFEEDING Контроль изменения качества корма с помощью dg precisionFEEDING An 18-week study of a new Intelligent Ration Management system from dinamica generale® of Italy was conducted at the Gar-Lin Dairy in Eyota, Minnesota, in 2010, when 505 cows were divided into two groups to determine the [...]

При выполнении одиночного (не многократного) анализа образца даже при распкаовке его из кюветы и запаковке обратно, результаты отлдичаются, погрешность может быть около 5% - почему так происходит?

As a matter of fact, in case of single analysis, the surface of material scanned is limited. ... This is the reason why the suggestion is to perform Multiple Analysis instead of a Single one.

Какова точность AgriNIR и почему необходимы регулярные измерения сухого вещества в корме?

Our AgriNIR TM analysis equipment has a 2% accuracy on moisture and 3% on all the other parameters (STARCH, CRUDE PROTEIN, ASH, ADF and NDF) while traditional laboratory analysis equipment can guarantee an accuracy that is 1,5% for moisture and 2% for all the other parameters. As a matter of fact, variability of Dry matter during the time on feedstuff is an [...]

FIMA 2016, 2016 февраля 03

Stop by for a demonstration . ...   Tell a friend!         For scheduling a meeting, please contact:  sara.frigeni@dinamicagenerale.com Dinamica Generale S.p.A.

Управление Сервисными Заявками

It is a procedure summarised in eight steps, according to which a team of qualified professionals is always available to accept the claim and to analyse it in order to develop the most appropriate solution. ... The content of the analysis is always shared with the customer through the creation and sharing of a detailed report summarising [...]

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