Forage Wagon
In FieldIn Field
Manure SpreaderManure Spreader
Grain CartGrain Cart
Forage WagonForage Wagon
Forage Harvester CombineForage Harvester Combine
Field Scale is a tablet and smartphone-based app that records and tracks weighing of harvested grain and forage.
Available for combine, grain cart and forage trailer application, the Field Scale app is mounted in the cabin of the tractor and wirelessly communicates with the Field trace Cloud software. 

Field Scale app automatically records weight, GPS location, date and time of each load and provides load tracking from field to truck to destination.
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  • Know the exact weight of grains and forages while harvesting 
  • Measure crop yields 
  • Transfer data to Field Trace Software to manage precision farming data
  • Increase your profitability thanks to real time data traceability 
  • Our solutions can be installed in every kind of machines 
CONFIGURATION 1 - Installation on forage wagons with Virtual Terminal 


+ Kali Connection Hub 
+ Field track App
+ Field trace software
CONFIGURATION 2 - Installation on forage wagon w/o Virtual Terminal 


+ Kali Connection Hub
+ Field track app 
+ Field trace software
CONFIGURATION 3 - Basic installation on each and every forage wagon

Load Cells 

+ SensorLogic 
+ DG400 ECU
CONFIGURATION 4 - Installation on forage wagon with ISOBUS connection and virtual terminal 

Load Cells 

+ SensorLogic 
+ Virtual Terminal
CONFIGURATION 5 - Installation on forage wagon with ISOBUS connection and virtual terminal 

Load Cells 

+ SensorLogic 
+ DG400 ECU
+ Virtual Terminal 
CONFIGURATION 6 - Installation on forage wagon w/o Virtual terminal to track loads and their position 

Load Cells 

+ SensorLogic 
+ Kali Connection Hub
+ Field scale App 
  • Recording how much grain has unloaded from combines into grain carts, trucks, grain elevators 
  • Tracking how much forage has unloaded from forage harvesters into trailers, trucks, farms... 
  • Production traceability
  • Evaluating total harvesting income/expenses 
  • Knowledge of mean values for valuable grain constituent (available for Field Scale connected with EvoNIR analyzer)

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