ООО Украинская Молочная Компания, Проект Ферма будущего

Zgurovskiy District, Kiev Region, Ukraine.
  • “The DTM IC software and the dinamica generale® dg precisionFEEDING system are effective solutions for big dairy farms.”
  • “All processes are now traceable, starting from raw material storage and finishing to a check of ration quality, in real time while feed is prepared.
  • “DTM IC software is flexible, friendly, robust and adjustable.”
  • “Economical use of raw materials due to accurate loading.”
  • “Easy data transfer by WiFi and remote access to the farm database through the Internet.”
  • “Stable milk production in spite of changes in environmental conditions.”
  • “The rapid NIR method and its applications gives us complete control of the raw materials and feed quality.” 
  • “Better maintenance procedures for ration preparation at the farm at each point due to the log of all work events.”
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