X-NIR™, Portable NIR Analyzers

Solutions > On-Farm (agricultural) > Biogas > Portable NIR Analyzers X-NIR™ Portable NIR Analyzers printable version On-Farm Biogas Farm Efficiency X-NIR™ hand held analyzer for forages and grains that measures the percentage of Moisture (Dry Matter), Starch, Crude Protein, ADF, NDF, Ash and Crude Fat of different feeding materials in seconds. ... The operator chooses [...]

Controlling Variation with dg precisionFEEDING Applications

The study measured differences in milk quantity and composition, as well as feed refusals between groups. Noah Litherland , Dayane Lobao, Dana Allen, Andrea Ghiraldi, Alberto Barbi University of Minnesota Study Gar-Lin Dairy, Eyota, Minnesota In cooperation with dinamica generale, USA Download the study .pdf Highlights of the Study The results of this study show that the dg [...]

News#5.2014, 2014 September 04

"Digi-Star and Dinamica Generale decided to join efforts to provide maximum value to North American farmers through a common distribution of an innovative line of products based on NIR technology providing the market with a high technology answer for the forage feeding markets of dairy and beef," said Andrea Ghiraldi, CEO and owner of Dinamica Generale S.p.A. "These products [...]

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